The Story Behind Emmy's Name

The Story Behind Emmy's Name via Chelcey Tate

I remember sitting outside on the patio with Sean at a restaurant by our old apartment a few summers ago … we were probably catching up on our day, and I handed him the running list of baby names I had been collecting in the notes app on my phone.

It was a regular thing with us, even though we weren’t planning on having a baby anytime soon … I would hear a name I loved, I'd add it to the list, and then Sean would tell me which ones he liked. Let’s just say that list always went from being impossibly long to super short once he got his hands on it. 😂 Names like Clementine + Stella were on my list of favorites that he always vetoed, no matter how many times I tried! 🙈

It sounds silly, but even before we were “ready” to start talking babies, we had chosen our baby girl’s name. Family has always been at the center of our relationship … something we both wrote about in our vows when we got married (not knowing what the other had written), and something we’ve dreamed about for years. I mean, he would literally send me screenshots of cute babies on Instagram on a daily basis. 😂 I always knew, without a doubt, that Sean would make the most incredible husband and father someday, and he’s lived up to that promise over and over again. 💗

We agreed on our future daughter’s name immediately over dinner that night, and had it perfectly chosen for her years before we knew our sweet Emmy. And here she is. This perfect little bundle of joy, sass, and love. Little did we know how much love that name would carry just a few years later!

Emerson Grey, your mama and daddy have loved you since before we can even remember. That smile of yours that lights up your whole face has the power to brighten even the worst of days. Little love, you make us better by simply existing. We love you so much! ✨

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